Micro Needling

This treatment involves creating thousands of tiny little controlled puncture wounds into the skin, causing an initial inflammatory response to instigate oxygenated blood flow and growth factors to the skins surface, whilst regenerating collagen and elastin.

The FDA approved BT-Titan MN device allows for a highly controlled and precise treatment that is adapted to your exact skin needs and comfort. Unlike more invasive laser procedures, this treatment not only delivers marked results but is suitable for all skin tones. With minimum down time of up to 48 hours, bt-titan MN treatments is a great option for those who have a busy lifestyle and schedule.

I use a FDA approved device proving its safety and efficacy, which is only sold to qualified practitioners and therapists.

75 minutes £120 | 90 minutes £130 with LED Light therapy

Additional £35 for neck and chest

10% off when rebooked within 6 weeks

please note you will have to book in for a consultation and anaesthetic cream skin patch test prior to having the treatment